The other day I got me some of them foam rollers that you wear overnight. My vision: after an evening shower, throw the curlers on wet hair, wake up with gorgeous wavy locks. Quick, easy beauty. And hey, I bet Madelyn would think this pretty fun, with bonus bonding time for us.
Last night I skipped one of my workouts because I had not been feeling well all day. Madelyn and I had a hot tub party instead, followed by a shower. I felt so much better afterward. It was a perfect time to try out our curlers, since we both had wet hair and I didn't have any commitments early this morning that would require a decent appearance. You know, in case they didn't work out so well. Ahem.
How to Curl your Hair
in Eight Easy Steps:
Step 1: Install foam curlers

Madelyn was very patient with the process, which surprised me a bit because she doesn't even like to have her hair braided or put in a ponytail.

The package suggested twisting the hair for a "spiral" curl. That sounded fun.
Step 2: Pose in anticipation

All done! (Madelyn didn't wear that handkerchief very long, but she wanted to try it out.)
Step 3: Endure very uncomfortable night with plastic lumps all over your head
Step 4: Wake up and remove curlers
Step 5: Marvel at the utter FAIL before your eyes

Have you ever wondered what I would look like with an afro? I actually haven't, but behold the answer.
Seriously. all I need is my pick. Curly hair: FAIL. Afro: WIN.
Step 6: Go for a run in the rain
A ponytail can hardly contain this hot mess!
Step 7: Wash away all traces of this mistake
Showered and back to my normal self. Sigh of relief.
Step 8: Return curlers to whence they came
Prepare to meet your maker, foam rollers. Assuming Goody has a satisfaction guarantee, that is. That 'fro was NOT worth such a horrible, poky, lumpy night's sleep.
Madelyn's hair, on the other hand, turned out pretty darn cute, even fashionably completing the look with her new 80's rocker outfit. But she says she doesn't want to sleep in curlers again, so they're still going back to the store.
I don't know what you're talking about, Kristen. I think you wear your hair like that every day! I'm actually quite impressed by the result that you got. That's some serious volume! I wore those foam curlers for two different plays in high school, and the sleeping part was the worst! Very little in this world is worth me losing precious sleep!
Hahaha! Love it! I agree that is impossible to get a good night's sleep with those in. I think Madelyn looks adorable!
HILARIOUS. But yes, Madelyn looks cute.
What happened to yours? :) Your daughter's turned out pretty good.
Maybe you should have finger combed yours. Maybe you did, and still ended up with the sort-of hanging afro.
You still won because that was great quality time with Madelyn. :)
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