Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mini Movie Reviews take center stage

Providing insight and quick quips about the movies I watch is one of my favorite aspects of this blog.  But it's really tedious to maintain them on the sidebar, especially because I eventually copy each one to an archived post.   In addition, I realized that all that work and occasional cleverness goes unnoticed by anyone who views Beyond Mommy through Google Reader.  I figure that placing my Mini Movie Reviews front and center creates a default opportunity for a real post, allows me to write a tiny bit more when two or three sentences just aren't enough, and may even incite discussion about the films from readers, which is much more fun than just putting my own opinion out there unchallenged.

I'll divide the 13 movie reviews I have to write into multiple posts as time permits. By the way, each image is linked to the movie's profile on IMDb. Please share your comments!

I found the protagonist old man distractingly unattractive. The concept of the flying house obviously requires willing suspension of disbelief, but even within the realm of the fantasy, glaring inconsistencies were hard to ignore. However, the execution of the canine language translator concept was hilarious, and the wordless montage depicting the lifelong romance between the man and his late wife was possibly the sweetest of its kind.

Knowing that this tragic tale actually occurred makes it that much more fascinating.  The gripping story was rounded out by Angelina Jolie's perfectly understated performance (and I'm not usually too keen on her).

Awww, this was a nice little romantic comedy. No complaints really, but nothing to rave about either. 

Oh boy. We almost turned it off more than once. But sometimes you just need to see a conflict resolved, no matter how my beloved Napoleon Dynamite's acting skills suffer outside his legendary breakout role.

We actually DID turn this movie off, as no conflict ever emerged which was worth seeing through to resolution. Perhaps if I don't finish a movie I'm not entitled to write a review, but I figure that maybe I can caution others from wasting that half hour of their lives that I'll never get back. The rather pathetic central character grows so livid about car alarms going off in New York City that he starts bashing in windows and leaving a card identifying him as "The Rectifier." I bet New York has problems that need rectifying far more than errant car alarms. I'm disappointed in you, Tim Robbins. Very disappointed indeed. Even the tagline on that poster is dismal: "The story of a guy who had it up to HEAR." Really? Ugh. 

This one will probably make my "best of" list for this year. Tender, funny, clever, and hooo boy can that Irish accent melt my heart. 

I welcome recommendations for good movies to add to my Netflix queue--and ones to steer clear of too!


Sarah Rose Evans said...

Out of the movies reviewed, I've only seen "Up," which I found clever, but not one of my personal favorite Pixar films. (The Incredibles wins hands down.) But we watched the original german version of No Reservations and it was really good. I'm kind of curious to see how the translation compares, but I'm a little wary because the reviews weren't so great. What do you think? if you'd already seen the story, would it be worth seeing again, in English?

Sarah Rose Evans said...

Out of the movies reviewed, I've only seen "Up," which I found clever, but not one of my personal favorite Pixar films. (The Incredibles wins hands down.) But we watched the original german version of No Reservations and it was really good. I'm kind of curious to see how the translation compares, but I'm a little wary because the reviews weren't so great. What do you think? if you'd already seen the story, would it be worth seeing again, in English?

Bridget said...

I thought the first 30 minutes or so of Up were brilliant. I loved that silent love story. The rest, meh.

Kristen said...

I don't know, Sarah. It might be interesting to compare at the very least.


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