Friday, October 31, 2008

Did you miss me?

I cannot believe that it has been over a month since I have contributed to my own blog. I was out of town for ten days, and greeting me upon my return was an unusually large and stressful Mountain of Urgency. While chipping my way through the to-do list (its nature to acquire new tasks more quickly than the old are checked off), I not only found myself having to choose between blogging and sleep, but also in the throes of dis-inspiration.

Maybe it's just the extra strain on my psyche, but I am struggling to form ideas into coherent sentences fit for entertainment or enlightenment. And if not for one or the other (or both), then what is the use in writing?

One roadblock I had in starting this blog in the first place was determining its "voice." What did I want to say, or not say, in such a forum? What tone should the writing take and how important would it be to maintain it for continuity? Who will comprise my audience and to what extent should I care about what they think?

Some of the subjects that I want to write passionately about are of the controversial variety. As a business owner, maintaining political and religious ambiguity is a necessary and delicate art. I would like to believe that true friends could respect differences of opinion. But I have too few true friends to risk offending the remaining friendly acquaintances who might discover the unveiling of my oft non-mainstream views.

There is one type of blog I did not want to emulate. So as not to offend anyone, you can check out this uber hilaralicious parody called seriously so blessed. Just be careful that you don't lol too hard or you might P your cute li'l panties. Now, I would be happy to have thought of that particular website (cha-ching), but the real-live fairy-tale-land brag-fests like that make me want to hurl my cookies, if you know what I mean. I don't wish to add 'strained eye-rolling muscles' to the list of crap that happens in my real life by reading about your perfect one. There are websites that I do admire, and I had fleeting visions of making a very healthy living and taking exotic trips courtesy of banner advertising, until I realized that I'm just not that talented nor interesting.

So I accept that my blog will simply be something fun for me and maybe a handful of amigos, yet at times I still feel paralyzed with self-doubt, if not just plain Writer's Block. I have a list of topics to formulate into posts, and I expect that one by one they will take life. So I hope you keep checking back, in case I come up with anything worthy of a big fat paycheck from Google. (I'll need you to tell them about it.)


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